The pragmatist’s playbook for skills-based hiring: helping TA leaders navigate a new era of recruitment
We’ve combined a decade’s worth of our own experience in helping companies move away from experience-based hiring and towards potential-focused hiring, with advice from disruptive TA leaders at the forefront of our industry, to bring you the most practical, pragmatic playbook on skills-based hiring published to date.
This playbook is designed to give you research-backed, practical, validated advice curated from the likes of Siemens, Molson Coors, the Department of Education, and many more.
“Everyone is talking about it but no one is fixing it!” is a familiar response from frustrated TA Managers after attending another in a long line of webinars championing what is hailed as the next big thing in recruitment: skills-based hiring.
So, how have we ended up in a situation where everyone is excited about a major conceptual shift in recruitment without being clear about what it is and how to implement it?
This playbook sets out to fix this conundrum. It moves beyond theory and instead offers a practical framework –– developed using guidance from TA practitioners who have first-hand experience in implementing skills-based hiring and managing the change that goes with it... even without a big budget.
It’s here to help you achieve three goals 💡
- Understand the critical steps required to adopt skills-based hiring –– we’ll cover what most people miss out, how to be successful without having to map your process exactly to a complex skills taxonomy, and how to ensure you’re able to capture an authentic picture of a candidate’s true capabilities and skills
- Dive into how to practically move away from experience-centric hiring towards a more straight-forward version of skills-based hiring –– we’ll explain the steps required to update your entire hiring process in a way that uncovers candidates' true potential: from redesigning job specs to upgrading your interview process
- Get actionable tips on how to avoid common pitfalls and roadblocks along the way –– we’ll share tips on how to align everyone from your CPO to your CFO in what good looks like, how to engage your hiring managers, and how to move from a pilot to an organisational wide roll-out
Download the free playbook today –– no email address required 👇

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