How can we help?
We understand that you're here to find a solution to a problem or to achieve a new goal for your company. Here are some of the challenges we've heard from our customers before they found us.
"I'm nervous about making the wrong hiring decisions."
"I need an accurate way to screen large volumes of applications."
"I'm worried about bias in my hiring."
"I invest too much time interviewing poor quality candidates."
"My hiring is taking way too long."
"I want all applicants to walk away with a great experience with our brand."
Does that sound like your situation? Watch the video to find out more >>>
Why Arctic Shores?
Do you want to improve your hiring accuracy, efficiency, diversity or branding?
We believe in empowering our customers with the right data to make accurate and fair hiring decisions. We also believe that all candidates deserve an excellent experience with your brand, regardless of their suitability for the job.
Arctic Shores gamify original laboratory tasks to measure 12,000 data points of real behaviour. We discover which behaviours are critical to your vacancies and match the candidates to a success profile. The result is a % fit score that empowers you to fairly rank and screen candidates on high-quality data rather than CVs. This isn't a game, this is a data-driven assessment platform built for the user demands of modern recruitment. We've helped assess over 1,000,000 candidates for customers like...