Skill-enablers™ from Arctic Shores

Skill-enablers™ simplify skills-based hiring and help companies identify high-potential candidates for the AI-enabled workplace. 

Our new assessment model is validated by industry analysis and data taken from a pool of 3 million candidate completions.

Download our companion guide to understand how Skill-enablers™ can help your company implement skills-based hiring in months, not years.

Download the Skill-enablers guide now
Charlotte Watson — Talent Acquisition Partner

Arctic Shores customers can now measure Skill-enablers™

10 years ago, Arctic Shores was founded on the principle that TA teams and hiring managers needed a fairer, more accurate, more scalable way to uncover candidate potential.

Today, our Task-based Assessment captures thousands of data points on candidates’ potential to adapt, grow, and learn within a role. We’ve named this way of measuring potential the Skill-enablers™ model. 

Within this guide, we’ll teach you everything you need to know about how to introduce skills-based hiring using the Skill-enablers™ model, how it future-proofs your process for the AI-enabled workplace, and what research underpins these findings.

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The Skill-enabler™
companion guide

This comprehensive guide explains everything you need to know about how to introduce skills-based hiring using the Skill-enablers™ model, how it future-proofs your process for the AI-enabled workplace, and what research underpins these findings.

Learn more about the model here👇​

Download the Skill-enablers guide now
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Assessment’s new frontier

Hear from assessment expert Ben Williams on why skill-enablers™ are mission-critical if you want to guarantee you’re hiring fresh talent who will be able to continuously adapt, grow, and acquire new skills.

Watch the episode here
Guide sources and links
  1. CV has been shown to introduce 150 biases into the recruitment process:
  1. University of Florida study:
  1. 85% of employers have caught false information on CVs and almost 60% of people exaggerate their skills:
  1. While they sleep:
  1. The average CV contains 150 biases:
  1. This post on X:
  1. Only going to accelerate this problem:

  2. The average shelf life of many skills is just 2.5 years:

  3. ChatGPT and AutoApplyAI technology made every CV look the same:

  4. ChatGPT and AutoApplyAI technology made every CV look the same:

  5. In an age where the shelf-life of a skill is very short and decaying all the time:

  6. Josh Bersin:
  1. Josh Bersin:
  1. The average shelf life of many hard skills is just 2.5 years:
  1. Shown to be very vulnerable to completion by AI:
  1. Boston Consulting Group:
  1. The pragmatist's playbook for skills-based hiring: helping TA leaders navigate a new era of recruitment:
  1. The Future of Jobs Report 2020 and the top 10 skills for 2025:
  1. These are the top 10 job skills of tomorrow —and how long it will take to learn them:
  1. 18 future skills for the workforce of tomorrow — further analysis of WEF data from Indeed:
  1. WEF forecasts on the evolution of the labour market:
  1. McKinsey's research:
  1. Skills change, capabilities endure — why fostering human capabilities first might be more important than reskilling in the future of work:
  1. Building the future-ready workforce — unleashing the potential of your organization and people:
  1. The Skills Imperative 2035: what does the literature tell us about essential skills most needed for work?:
  1. Deep Dive:
  1. Listen to this episode of the TA Disruptors:
  1. Molson Coors Beverage Company join the CV-less hiring revolution (2023), Arctic Shores:
  1. Burness Paull Unlocks True Potential with Arctic Shores, Arctic Shores:
  1. Siemens solves skills crisis by scrapping the CV, hiring for critical roles in 41 days instead of 200 days, Arctic Shores:
  1. ChatGPT has broken traditional recruitment methods...but not ours, Arctic Shores: 

Start your Skills-based hiring journey today

Get in touch to understand how our task-based assessment has helped more than 350 disruptors future-proof their hiring process

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