The AI-enabled candidate in 2024-25

How candidates’ are using AI in the recruitment process — and why traditional recruitment tools are now redundant

This report unpacks exactly how experienced hires and Early Careers candidates are using this technology in 2024-25. And how that usage continues to change the fundamental principles of talent acquisition. Especially with regard to implementing a scalable, efficient process, that accurately predicts candidate potential. 


Eighteen months ago the world changed, as ChatGPT exploded into practically every laptop, smartphone and dinner conversation – those leading the charge started utilising this new technology to help them land jobs, and the world of recruitment hasn’t been the same since. 

In fact, our first data and research-led AI report 2023, revealed that Generative AI would make traditional selection processes redundant over the following 12 months. 72% of students and candidates were already using some form of generative AI regularly, and if that wasn’t surprising enough, almost a fifth of candidates were already using Generative AI to help them fill in job applications or assessments.

A whole year has passed since our comprehensive report was published, supported by a survey of 2,000 students and recent graduates and research conducted with UCL postgraduate researchers looking at the vulnerabilities of traditional assessment types to ChatGPT.

Since then, this research has been validated and peer-reviewed, the sophistication of easily accessible AI tools has advanced wildly, and the AI-enabled candidate is well and truly "a thing".  

We’re back with fresh new data and insights for 2024/2025, to help you navigate the next 12 months… which are showing signs of being just as disruptive for TA:

🤯​ AI adoption is growing faster than we ever expected in Early Careers, with 88% now using AI tools every week, 86% describing themselves as proficient users, and 59% using or planning to use AI in the recruitment process.

😮​ But this tech adoption is no longer simply the domain of Early Careers candidates –– it’s mainstream for more experienced professionals too with 61% of professionals using AI tools regularly, and 68% describing themselves as proficient users.

🚨 And just like last year –– candidates do not consider what they're doing as cheating. Just 9% of professionals say they want to cheat the system –– 37%  just want to give themselves the best possible shot at finding a job, and 36% use AI to refine their thinking. While two-thirds believe it's their "right" to use AI.

⚖️​ We also continue to see increased adoption among traditionally underrepresented groups. 1 in 3 Black professionals report using AI to help them break through after a long period of applying to roles without being successful, and 41% more dyslexic Early Careers candidates use AI to help them complete psychometric assessments than their neurotypical peers.

AI has officially shattered traditional recruitment best practices. It’s now woven into the fabric of the recruitment process for candidates and candidates aren’t just polishing their CVs with AI –– they’re using it to prepare for interviews, automate applications, and take back power after years of recruitment processes that were not designed to help candidates showcase their best selves.

One thing is clear: candidates are evolving, and your recruitment strategies need to evolve with them.  

If you were on the fence about what to do about candidate use of AI, this data serves as a wake-up call. TA professionals can no longer ignore candidate use of AI or sit on the fence. They have to ACT NOW.  



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Download the report to access insight on...

💥​ Why Talent Acquisition teams must rethink their selection process right now 

🤖​ How 2,000 Early Careers candidates and professionals with 3+ years of experience are using AI – and how they feel about potential employers’ attitudes to it

🚨Where the recruitment process is most vulnerable to completion by AI –– and what the possible consequences or benefits might be

🚀 What the best options for managing candidate use of AI are for TA, plus three practical recommendations for TA leaders on how to update their selection process for the era of the AI-enabled candidate 

*Just hit the button and we'll take you straight to the report. No contact details neccessary.